The Benefits of Hobbies

active brain

I’m not quite sure how it came about but the both of us have had a passion for creating and renewing things ever since we can remember.

Maybe it was from our grandparents who lived through hard times during and after the great depression and used whatever they had to survive and we luckily got some of their their DNA, who knows?

Anyway after all those years together, we still have that creative passion and always find the time for new ideas and projects.

Some projects we do just for ourselves and gifts for family but others to sell for additional income to help support our passion.

Studies have shown too that people with a hobby that they love are less likely to suffer from mood disorders, depression symptoms and stress which is prevalent in society today.

Crafting or any type hobby can help release dopamine (a neurotransmitter) in the brain which is referred to as the feeling good transmitter.

Most of society today are in a high stress mode.

Your mind and body is too often in a fight or flight state.

This goes back to our ancient ancestors and was first introduced in the 1920’s.


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

It’s a response that occurs in the presence of something that is perceived as threatening, either mentally or physically.

The body gets too much cortisol (the stress hormone) which has many negative effects on your system.

Over time this is not good and can bring on an assortment of ailments which I won’t get into here.

 If you love your job and it really makes you happy then that’s great too.

super person

Some people find fulfillment in working all their lives for someone or a corporation as long as they are appreciated and the monetary benefits are good.

Unfortunately there’s not a lot of those situations out there anymore.

Any type profession or hobby that brings you some sort of contentment, creativity and a regular escape is good for you but for us different crafts in woodworking, metal and fabric as well as blogging and making print on demand products online creates a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life to this day.

Plus it gives you a sense of control over what and how you do it.

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  • Any hobby related activity can help with the stress of everyday life.
  • You can have a sense of control of something in your life.
  • There are tons of free and paid resources online that can get you started on just about any new skill or hobby today.
  • Take action and keep moving forward, sometimes you just never know.

What new project will you start today?

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been”
– George Eli



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